Board Member Tom Stewart Has a Long History With ChildServe


Board member Tom Stewart and his family partnered with ChildServe’s Concussion program after his daughter Evan was in a car accident.

When Tom Stewart was first asked to join ChildServe as a board member, he was curious to learn more about this new organization, which shared a mission he was passionate about. After taking a tour of the Johnston campus, he realized he wasn’t so new to ChildServe after all.

“Growing up, my mother and her Junior League group hosted Christmas parties for an organization called the Convalescent Home for Children,” says Tom. “Kids would come visit Santa, and I had the important job of handing out gifts as Santa’s Christmas Elf in full costume. Forty-some years later, when I got involved at ChildServe as a board member, it was incredible to realize it was the same organization I’d first helped as a child, but with a new name.”

Now over five years into his board service, Tom has not only helped expand the mission to reach more families, he also experienced ChildServe’s impact on his own family.

Family smiling

“You just never know when your family member, friend, or neighbor will need the level of expertise found at ChildServe. It’s such a relief to know those services are available right here in Iowa.”

Among the many rewarding projects Tom has been part of during his time as board member, the Forward Together campaign stands out due to the heartfelt reaction of ChildServe supporters.

“I’m in sheer amazement at the generosity we have seen throughout the Forward Together campaign,” says Tom. “Our community members have many demands and asks in their life, but they continue to give. I’ve lived all over the world, but I'm so proud to be from Iowa due to the generosity I see around me. To our donors and community members: we see your belief in the spirit of a child, and we’re so grateful for your support.”

To learn how you can make a lasting impact at ChildServe and show your passion for our work, please contact Colleen Rogers Messenger CAP® at or 515-251-5572.